giovedì 15 aprile 2010

PLAYSYS | Mobile

Yesterday we put online the official mobile website of PlaySys. Now you can surf it with your iPhone or iPod Touch without any problems with javascripts, layout problems, flash swf and other stuff.

Da oggi PlaySys è navigabile con dispositivi mobile come iPhone e iPod Touch! Uno script ad esecuzione automatica si occupa dell'identificazione del tuo dispositivo, offrendoti un'esperienza di navigazione senza interruzioni. Accedi al seguente link direttamente dal tuo dispositivo e prova un sito web completamente differente:


We changed a bit the index, now we have a great index.php hosted on The index.php code was written completely by Dr. Anurag Singh and we just tweaked the redirection code.

Of course we had to create different design for the mobile version, not only for the size and the bandwidth, but for other things regarding the surfing experience (like in traffic, at the toilet, in a taxi, during a call with another mobile, watching television and so on).

Now the structure of the site starts to be more professional inside the FTP and on a flowchart.
In fact the (simple to keep in mind) redirect automatically to, using a server's script. When on, a PHP code is executed (index.php by Anurag Singh) and the browser version is verified. From this point, the flow is different dependingly on the browser "family": fixed, mobile, wap or psp. At the moment we have only 2 versions: fixed and mobile, the wap and psp are redirected to general mobile layout. After redirecting, your browser will display two different index.html that gives birth at two different surfing experience.

1 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Excuse for that I interfere ?At me a similar situation. Is ready to help.